Thursday, 27 March 2008


3D alphabet book by Marion Bataille.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Ujinu Muneteru

Mad musical inventions of Ujinu Muneteru... don't know a lot about this guy, but these creations are intriguing... (Via PingMag)

Street Style

Street Peeper and Face Hunter snap pics of ordinary people in fancy outfits the world over... good fun for nosy people. Found via InfoMat, a fashion industry search engine and fashion based resources.

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Cereal Killers

Cereal Killers is a cute project re-inventing cereal packets in the horror genre. Found via Nate Wragg, and here is his contribution to the project.

Steve Scott - Victorian Mutants

Really liking this Victorian Mutants series by Steve Scott. More of these and lots of other nice stuff on his site.